In times of school emergencies and urgent announcements, it’s important to get the message out as quickly as possible to the staff, teachers, students, and parents. There is no other medium that can deliver your message faster and easier than an SMS. We have a solution that fits every learning institution’s needs. Our cloud hosted SMS messaging application comes with diverse functionality that enables every school, college or university to constantly stay in touch with students, parents, teachers, nonteaching staff, and the entire community.
Parents carry their mobile phone with them wherever they go making it the easiest and most effective way to deliver an important information. When schools, colleges and universities use text messaging, parents feel confident knowing that they will be notified immediately of an emergency and be kept informed and updated. Some simple examples of how schools and learning institutions can use Cloud Rebue’s Bulk Messaging are:
You can no longer rely on local television or radio station to immediately report when your school is closing due to an emergency. A simple text message is enough to alert parents of school closing as soon as the decision is made, giving them ample time to figure out what to do with their children.
The workload for students gets more complicated every year. Schools and learning institutions can use SMS to reinforce lessons taught and to offer homework tips for night assignments. If there is something that a teacher forgot to mention during class or just want to remind students to bring something to class the next day, a quick SMS message to their parents should get the job done.
Whether you are a coach or a team parent, you know how taxing the fun of school sports can be. Between road trips, practices, and schoolwork, the conventional pen-and-paper-calendar method of organization can soon become more confusing than helpful. SMS reminders of road games and canceled practices can be a great time saver for the kids and a load off the minds of adults.
Parents no longer need to wait for letters to be sent to their mailboxes or walk to school to check their balances and or the performance of their children. Schools can now offer parents and students with interactive SMS messaging solutions that can enable them to check balance, performance and so much more.
Bulk Messaging isn’t just for teachers to coordinate with students and parents. The teaching and nonteaching staff also need to organize and communicate with each other on various needs. The teaching staff can use Bulk SMS to setup meetings, synchronize lesson plans, send reminders, and organize school committees.
In an environment where students can outnumber staff by 45 to -1, it can be difficult to ensure the most secure learning experience. But if you give students a confidential and an anonymous way to report harmful behavior, you will also be giving them an opportunity to change their environment not only academically but also socially.